Frequently Asked Questions about Build Our Future
Q How long will this project take?
A The project will take approximately 3 years to complete. It will be completed in phases to cause the least disturbance to students.
Q Has the building plan changed since the original vote?
A The majority of the plan remains the same. Administration continues to meet with the Architects to be address any cost saving measures. Some relatively minor changes include: changing the direction of the Lincoln gym addition to eliminate the need for an exterior hallway addition; removal of MS bathroom addition in South hallway; keeping MS Office renovations to the current 5th grade classroom space, eliminating the exterior expansion. These changes are estimated to save between $500,000 and 1 million dollars.
Q What are the plans for Lincoln Elementary
- Safety: The main entrance was updated with electronic door locks and releases for this school year. A redesigned office entry would provide for greater security and student protection by securing the traffic flow through the office prior to entering the school.
- An upgrade to the heating and ventilation system. We currently are experiencing many leaks and issues in the heating system located in the 1966 portion of the building.
- Two preschool classrooms that double as tornado-safe shelter rooms for all students and staff at Lincoln Elementary. These classrooms will be slightly larger than the current preschool classroom since the current classrooms were not designed for preschool. Preschool classrooms need more space for the play centers, where children explore and learn to interact through play. The current preschool classroom will be used as a classroom, creating much-needed classroom space.
- A new gymnasium will replace the current space used for physical education. The current gymnasium/multi-purpose room is small was designed for children in grades kindergarten through 2nd grade. 3rd and 4th grade students now attend and require more space. A new gymnasium will also provide exercise options for students when the weather is not suitable (rain, wind chill) for outdoor recess.
- The current gymnasium/multi-purpose room will be remodeled to create a larger cafeteria, storage, and music room. The larger cafeteria will allow us to serve more students, which will allow greater flexibility in the schedule for academics. The music room will relocate to provide a quiet academic environment for neighboring classrooms.
- One faculty workroom will be created near the office. There are currently two, small workrooms. This would create efficiencies with staff collaboration and equipment. One of the former workrooms will be updated into a classroom for special services.
- The current music room will be able to be used as a classroom.
Q Will the tax increase expire when the debt is paid?
A Generally this type of bond is paid in 20 years. Our goal is to pay it off as soon as possible. Next year’s school budget will actually lower taxes a few cents, so the maximum for the bond is $1.82. If assessments in the district increase, taxes could decrease sooner.
Q Will local contractors be used for construction?
A The district will hire a project manager who will let all portions of the project out for bid. Local contractors will be encouraged to bid.