Staff Directory

Steve Abben

Bus Driver

 Bus Shop
photo of Greg Adams

Greg Adams

Lincoln Principal

 Lincoln Elementary
photo of Renae Adams

Renae Adams

High School Secretary

 High School

Rose Angell


photo of Kristi Aschenbrenner

Kristi Aschenbrenner



Mary Asleson


 High School
photo of Chuck Bangert

Chuck Bangert

Special Education

 Middle School
photo of Valarie Berge

Valarie Berge

1st Grade Teacher

photo of Ashlyn Hubbard

Ashlyn Beyer

Special Education

 Middle School
photo of Aaron Boge

Aaron Boge


photo of Mike Braun

Mike Brahn

Physical Education / Head Boys Basketball / 8th Football


Amy Brandau

Business Teacher

 High School
photo of Diana Branstad

Diana Branstad


 Middle School
photo of Erin Bremer

Erin Bremer

Counselor / 7th Grade Volleyball

photo of Adam Brinkman

Adam Brinkman

Math / Head Girls Track / MS XC

 Middle School

Amber Bruder

Oasis Teacher

photo of Helen Burrington

Helen Burrington

School Business Official/School Board Secretary

 District Office

Emily Bushbaum

Special Education

Osage logo

Bill Carlson

MS Principal

 Middle School

Gretchen Castle

Bus Driver

 Bus Shop

Tina Cordes

Medical Aide

 Middle School

John Cramer


 High School

Brenda Cramer


 Middle School

Jeremy Cue

Math / Asst. Varsity ESports


Josh Dodd

Asst. Varsity Wrestling

 High School

Gwen Driscoll

Bus Driver/Custodian


Taylor Elliott

5th Grade Teacher

 Middle School

Keith Emerson



Chad Erickson

4th Grade / Head Girls Basketball / Asst. Varsity Golf


Molly Ferrell

1st Grade


Brittney Fingalsen


photo of Barb Foster

Barb Foster


 High School
photo of Lisa Garrelts

Lisa Garrelts

English / Speech / Drama

 High School
photo of Matt Gast

Matt Gast

6th Grade / 7th Football / MS Boys Wrestling / 9th Baseball

 Middle School
photo of Melanie Gast

Melanie Gast


 High School
photo of Jodi Gerdes-Demuth

Jodi Gerdes-Demuth

Health / Physical Education

 High School

Eric Goddard

Science / Head Golf

 High School
photo of Deb Goodale

Deb Goodale

Paraeducator / Head Cheerleading

 High School

Thatcher Goodale

STEM / Tag / Science / Asst. Varsity Girls Wrestling

 Middle School / Lincoln
photo of Larry Grein

Larry Grein

Industrial Arts / 10th Football / Asst. Varsity Wrestling / Asst. Varsity Track - Throws

 High School
photo of Kim Hackenmiller

Kim Hackenmiller

Middle School Secretary

 Middle School
photo of Jenn Ham

Jenn Ham

4th Grade

photo of Alicia Stricker

Alicia Hansen

Special Ed

 Lincoln Elementary School

Karen Heckstein


 High School

Nick Hemann

Head Softball

 High School

Larry Henaman

Bus Driver

 Bus Shop
photo of Laurie Hoeppner

Laurie Hoeppner

HS Chorus / 5th-6th Band / Musicals

 High School
photo of Scott Hoppel

Scott Hoppel

Science / Head Boys Track / 8th Girls Basketball

 Middle School

Machela Howe


 Middle School
photo of Brenda Huebsch

Brenda Huebsch

Food Service Director

photo of Ryan Huffman

Ryan Huffman

Social Studies / 9th Football / Asst. Varsity Boys Basketball

 Middle School

Kristen Huisman


 Lincoln Elementary School
Osage logo

Holbrook Hulshizer

Human Resources Director

 District Office
photo of Brent Jennings

Brent Jennings

Industrial Arts / Head Boys Wrestling

 High School
Picture of Meaghan Johnson

Meaghan Johnson

Instructional Coach

 Middle School

Bob Kasel


 Middle School

Mike Kennedy


 High School
photo of Jeff Kirkpatrick

Jeff Kirkpatrick

MS / HS Band

 High School
photo of Sarah Klapperich

Sarah Klapperich


photo of Tracie Kofoot

Tracie Kofoot

Special Education

 High School

Katie Kohl

1st Grade Teacher


Keith Kohl

Activity Director, Assistant Principal

 High School
photo of Chris Kyhl

Chris Kyhl

Math / Computer Science / Head Coach ESports / Head Varsity Football / NHS Advisor

 High School
photo Kali Kyhl

Kali Kyhl

Special Education

photo of Janet Larrison

Janet Larrison



Kate Lenz

Cook / 9th Softball

 High School
Osage logo

Josh Lenz

Assistant Football Coach

 High School

Janet Linkenmeyer


photo of Melissa Loften

Melissa Loften


photo of Beth Marcks

Bethany Marcks

4th Grade Teacher

 Lincoln School
Osage logo

Abby Marr

6th Grade Teacher

 Middle School
Osage logo

Becky McEnamy


 Middle School / High School
photo of Ryan Mcinroy

Ryan Mcinroy

Art / Head Tennis

 High School
photo of Jackie McRoberts

Jackie McRoberts

1st Grade Teacher


Thomas Meier

Technology Director / Computer Science / Head Boys XC / Asst. Varsity Boys Track

 641-732-5381 x 249

Bob Meyer

Transportation Director

Picture of Malayne Meyer

Malayne Meyer

Ag / FFA

 High School

Paula Milbrandt


 High School
Osage logo

Kara Miner

Early Childhood Special Education Teacher


Mckenzie Mohl

5th Grade

 Middle School
photo of Kelley Molitor

Kelley Molitor

Media Specialist


John Morische

Bus Driver

 Bus Shop

Katie Mostek

Head Girls XC

 High School

Nathan Muhs

3rd Grade / 7th Football / 7th Boys Track


Tracy Mullenbach

Head Custodian

 High School
photo of Tom Muller

Tom Muller

Social Studies / 8th Grade Football

 High School
photo of Jackie Muller

Jackie Muller


photo of Tori Muller

Tori Muller

MS Success Teacher

Osage logo

Jennifer Newton


photo of Andi Olson

Andie Olson

2nd Grade Teacher

 Lincoln Elementary
Picture of Ann Ott

Ann Ott

Social Science / Model UN

 High School

Megan Patterson

6th Grade Teacher

 Middle School

Brittany Promes

Social Worker

 All Buildings
photo of Joclyn Rawn

Joclyn Rawn



Sheryl Redenius

Family & Consumer Science

 High School

Sharon Reinardy

MS Counselor / 8th Volleyball / 7th Girls Track / MS Student Council

 Middle School

Amanda Ringhofer

5th Grade

 Middle School

Lindsey Sargent


Osage logo

Leah Sayer


photo of Meg Schutjer

Meg Schutjer

Reading / 8th Girls Track

 Middle School
photo of Barb Schwamman

Barb Schwamman


 District Office
Photo of Serena Staudt

Serena Staudt

Lincoln Secretary

 Lincoln Elementary

Ivy Sickels

3rd Grade

Osage logo

Jeremy Simerson


 High School / Oasis
photo of Stacy Staudt

Stacy Staudt


 High School

Tiffany Swenson


photo of Bryan Tabbert

Bryan Tabbert

TAG / Head Volleyball

 Middle School
photo of Amber Tabbert

Amber Tabbert

2nd Grade Teacher

 Lincoln Elementary

Gretchen Tabbert

HS English

 High School
photo of Wendy Thorson

Wendy Thorson

K-8 Music


Marin Thorson

Special Ed

 Lincoln School

Autumn Tolliver


photo of Renae Trettin

Renae Trettin

Administative Assistant to the Superintendent

 District Office
photo of Kiesha Trettin

Kiesha Trettin

Business / DECA

 High School
photo of Mary Jo Urbatsch

MaryJo Urbatsch

Reading Recovery

photo of Donna Wagner

Donna Wagner

Special Education

 High School
photo of Amanda Warrington

Amanda Warrington


 Lincoln Elementary
photo of Angel Westling

Angel Westling

Media Aide

 Lincoln Elementary

Karolyn White


 High School
photo of Erin Wilson

Erin Wilson

High School Counselor / Student Council

 High School

Sue Wilson



Katelyn Wittrock


photo of Kari Wright

Kari Wright

3rd Grade
